Now that the corrupted separation is complete and the first attempt at judicial remediation failed due to the Plaintiff’s neophytic abilities at being a pro se litigant, a new and better attempt has been launched. This is the current CASE in the Court of Federal Claims: 1:2024-cv-01953.
The former case was filed in the US District Court of the Eastern District of North Carolina on March 18 2024, case #5:24-cv-00176. The case can be found on Pacer, but many of the key case documents can also be found below:

- Complaint against The United States Army, Christine E. Wormuth, filed by Michael J. Forbes
- Enclosure 1- Michael J. Forbes CV
- Enclosure 2- Michael J. Forbes Resume
- Enclosure 3- NCO Evaluation Report 8/31/22
- Enclosure 4- Character Reference Letters
- Enclosure 5- General Officer Letter of Reprimand 5/30/2023
- Enclosure 6- NCO Evaluation Report (RFC) 7/12/2023
- Enclosure 7- Sworn Statement of Michael J. Forbes
- Enclosure 8- Letter from James M. Branum, attorney to Commander, 528th SB(SO)(a) dated 3/31/2023
- Enclosure 9- Various emails
- Enclosure 10- Memorandum from the Department of the Army to SFC Michael Forbes dated 4/5/2023
- Enclosure 11- Memorandum for Record regarding 528th HPW Assessment Program
- Enclosure 12- Copy of email dated 5/1/2023
- Enclosure 13- Copies of various emails
- Enclosure 14- Copy of email dated 6/16/2023
- Enclosure 15- Copies of various emails
- Enclosure 16- Copies of emails
- Enclosure 17- Letter to Deputy Commanding Officer (DCO) of Operations dated 11/24/2023
- Enclosure 18- Email dated 1/19/2024
- Enclosure 19- Decision regarding Response to Request for Redress
- Enclosure 20- Statement of Entitlement to Retention Incentive (Reenlistment) dated 1/16/2020
- Enclosure 21- Corestrengths – Terms of Service
- Enclosure 22- Corestrengths – Privacy Policy
- Enclosure 23- Email from Manuel Sanchez dated 12/2/2022
- Enclosure 24- Memorandum for Record dated 6/25/2021
- Enclosure 25- Email dated 12/19/2022 regarding (Awareness) HHC Announcement, HPW Assessment
- Enclosure 26- Various emails regarding HPW program pending orders
- Enclosure 27- Email from Tavi Brunson dated 11/29/2022
- Enclosure 28- Email from Rhea Racaza dated 11/29/2022
- Enclosure 29- Email from Rhea Racaza facilitator dated 11/29/2022–
- Enclosure 30- Memorandum for Commander dated 2/22/2023
- Enclosure 31- Daily FRAGO dated 1/23/2023
- Enclosure 32- Memorandum for Record – Investigation Timeline
- Enclosure 33- 15-6 emails from 2LT Tolston
- Enclosure 34- 15-6 Sworn Statement
- Enclosure 35- Memorandum for Investigating Officer – Extension request
- Enclosure 36- Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer – Extension request
- Enclosure 37- Falsified OPORD
- Enclosure 38- Personal Electronic Device Email dated 12/7/2022
- Enclosure 39- HPW program pending orders dated 12/6/2022
- Enclosure 40- USASOC Wireless Detection Report dated 12/9/2022
- Enclosure 41- Copy of photograph
- Enclosure 42- Chapter 8 – Portable Electronic Device Exception to Policy Process
- Enclosure 43- Request for Mental Health Evaluation
- Enclosure 44- Email from Larry Morgan dated 1/20/2023
- Enclosure 45- Appointment as Investigating Officer
- Enclosure 46- eCDBHE Medical report 1/19/2023
- Enclosure 47- Inspector General Action Request
- Enclosure 48- Appointment as Preliminary Inquiry Investigating Officer into Allegations
- Enclosure 49- Letter to Representative Richard Hudson dated 4/28/2023
- Enclosure 50- Privacy Authorization Release Form
- Enclosure 51- Letter from the Investigations Division dated 11/27/2023 to SFC Forbes
- Enclosure 52- Developmental Counseling Form
- Enclosure 53- Policy or Precedent dated 5/28/2021
- Enclosure 54- Policy or Precedent dated 9/4/2018
- Enclosure 55- Letter to Christine E. Wormuth from Sabrina Forbes dated 5/23/2023
- Enclosure 56- Information regarding Womack Army Medical Center – Advanced Medical Directives for Patients,
- Enclosure 57- Freedom of Information Act request MEDCOM
- Enclosure 58- Policy or Precedent dated 8/2/2021
- Enclosure 59- Email to COL Zinnante of WAMC dated 4/20/2023
- Enclosure 60- GEN Ferguson Denied Redress Memorandum for SFC Michael Forbes dated 11/30/2023
- Enclosure 61- Letter from Attorney James M. Branum dated 11/24/2023 to Deputy Commanding Officer
- Enclosure 62- Email dated 3/8/2024 regarding Phoenix Warrior Wellness Time
- Enclosure 63- Phoenix Warrior Wellness Time CONOP
- Enclosure 64- Civil Cover Sheet
- Enclosure 65- Proposed Summons) (Rudd, D.) (Entered: 03/22/2024)

- Motion for Emergency Injunctive Relief filed by Michael J. Forbes
- Enclosure i- Memorandum for SFC Michael Forbes dated 11/30/2023
- Enclosure ii- Notification of Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition Code RET13 Transaction dated 10/23/2023
- Enclosure iii- Notification of Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition Restrict Code RET13 Transaction dated 12/26/2023
- Enclosure iv- Non-DOD Source – Reportable Research Program Violation dated 2/10/2023
- Memorandum in support of motion for Emergency Injunctive Relief filed by Michael J. Forbes
- Enclosure a- Six Takeaways from the Brigade SMAP
- Enclosure b- Consent to Participate in the Special Operations Command Central Tactical Performance Index Questionnaire
- Enclosure c- Daily FRAGO dated 1/24/2023
- Enclosure d- Policy or Precedent dated 8/2/2021
- Enclosure e- Management of U.S. Special Operations Command Social & Family Programs dated 9/13/2021
- Enclosure f- US Special Operations Command – Organization and Functions
- Enclosure g- Memorandum for Record dated 6/25/2021
- Defendant’s Motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction (available via Pacer)
- Memorandum in support of Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss (available via Pacer)
- Plaintiff’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
- Plaintiff’s Memorandum in support of motion for Partial Summary Judgment
- Enclosure A01- Supplement to Summary of Facts
- Enclosure A02- Forbes QMP Cover Letter
- Enclosure A03- Forbes NCOER 20220226
- Enclosure A04- SDI 2.0 Methodology and Meaning
- Enclosure A05- Executive m-10-22 20100625
- Enclosure A06- Executive m-10-23 20100625
- Enclosure A07- Corestrengths excerpts Terms of Service & Privacy Policy
- Enclosure A08- AZ Board of Psychologist Examiners Principle 3.0 Human Relations
- Enclosure A09- Psychological Assistant Sworn Statement
- Enclosure A10- MAJ Racaza Sworn Statement
- Enclosure A11- MCM excerpt Article 89 ‘disrespect’ Special Defense
- Enclosure A12- Military Administrative Counsel Brief 20230616to
- Enclosure A13- Discover Card loss of Servicemember Civil Relief
- Enclosure A14- DoDI 6490.04 Mental Health Evaluations of Members of the Military Services
- Enclosure A15- MCM excerpt Article 90 ‘disobey’
- Enclosure A16- Forbes & LTC Howsden emails 20221202-07
- Enclosure A17- Creed of the Non-Commissioned Officer
- Enclosure A18- Request for Admissions
- Enclosure A19- Army Regulation 25-22, excerpt Privacy Policy
- Enclosure A20- IG Assistance and Investigations Guide excerpt
- Enclosure A21- Forbes to LTC Howsden email 20221130 0925
- Enclosure A22- MAJ Racaza email 5Ws
- Enclosure A23- Forbes & COL Brunson emails 20221201
- Enclosure A24- Army Regulation 20-1, IG Activities and Procedures
- Enclosure A25- Forbes to Leadbeater email
- Enclosure A26- clean copy CPT Korista Serious Incident Report 20230118
- Enclosure A27- Forbes fully qualified for promotion
- Enclosure A28- CPT Korista backdated notification of “FLAG”
- Enclosure A29- GOMOR recommenders
- Enclosure A30- CPT Korista issued Military Protection Order 20230601
- Enclosure A31- QMP Board notification from RFC
- Enclosure A32- QMP Board notification from GOMOR
- Enclosure A33- QMP Board notification of denial of continued active service
- Enclosure A34- 20200116 REDACTED Forbes Reenlistment Bonus paperwork
- Enclosure A35- 2024 Active Duty Pay Chart
- Plaintiff’s Motion to Request Exemption from Rules
- Defendant’s Response to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (available via Pacer)
- Defendant’s Response to Motion to Request Exemption from Rules (available via Pacer)
- Plaintiff’s Reply to Response to MFPSJ
- Plaintiff’s Reply to Response MTREOR
- B01 20240700 DIAG Co-level Command Team booklet excerpt
- B02 FBI Security Clearance Memos Trump, Covid, & 2nd Amendment Questions
- B03 Empower Oversight Letter to Horowitz (FBI IG) re Security Clearance Memo
- B04 20240515 Federal Register DoD Proposed Rules for restricted access to Military Human Resource database
- 20241018 Plaintiff’s MtCUA filing
- Enclosure C01 20240819 HRC letter to Hon. Richard Hudson
- Enclosure C02 20240912 communications regarding DOD ignored ETP request
- Enclosure C03 20240828 Branum to Keohane email
- Enclosure C04 20240828 Branum to Keohane attached letter
- Enclosure C05 20240820 Baldwin (Hudson staffer) to Forbes email
- Enclosure C06 20240822-23 Misc commo between Hudson staffers, Keohane & Forbes email
- Enclosure C07 20240717 New USASOC Policy 24-14, established HRPP and procedures to avoid any legal liabilities
- Enclosure C08 20181219 Old USASOC Policy 24-18
- Enclosure C09 20241018 clerk of court drop box time stamp of filing
- Defendant’s Response to Motion to Compel Urgent Abeyance (available via Pacer)
- 20241107 Plaintiff’s MfLtfS filing
- Enclosure D01 20241031 Meisenbach to Forbes email w orders and worksheet
- Enclosure D02 Orders to Forbes with impossible additional instruction para. c
- Enclosure D03 Meisenbach false comment in worksheet block 18 pg 2
- Enclosure D04 Meisenbach introductory email with optional separation pay
- Enclosure D05 cited case Reaves v. US magnitude of rushed separation damages